What You Didn't Know

Although Pumpkins are usually labeled as vegetables, they contain seeds which technically makes them a fruit.

India is the largest producer of bananas. Each year they grow more than 22 million.

Protein is essential for life, as it is crucial to all cells in the body, playing a key role as enzymes in a cell.  After water, protein is the most plentiful substance in the body.

Although it shares the same name, the sweet potato is a root vegetable and only loosely related to the potato.

The coconut palm tree, which grows throughout the tropics and subtropics, can grow up to 98 feet tall.

While the carrot is usually orange in color, there are also purple, red, white, and yellow varieties.

Lactose is the natural sugar found in milk.

A teaspoon of butter and a teaspoon of oil have the same fat content.

The average American consumes about 150 pounds of sugar each year.

Appropriately named, watermelons are 92% water.  By weight, it is the most-consumed melon in the US.  Go ahead – eat the whole thing!

The color blue is the least common color in the natural food we eat.

Dark chocolate contains many antioxidants that can help the cardiovascular system by reducing blood pressure.

Research shows that just two bananas will provide you with enough energy for an intense 90-minute workout.

The pineapple is neither an apple nor pine.  It’s actually a very large berry.

Cranberries are sorted for ripeness by bouncing them.  A fully ripened cranberry can be dribbled like a basketball.